The monk’s dormitory has been converted into cottages which stand in Abbey Yard. They are of old brick with Gothic windows and stone buttresses and doorways.
A priory grange is nowadays called Monk’s House. Though this has of necessity been altered, it is essentially as it has been for hundreds of years. Traditionally, racks, whips and other instruments of torture were left there and an underground passage was supposed to run from there to the convent. This was believed for some time after the Reformation but, doubtless, had its origin in the times of religious persecutions. The house is built of fine old stone and is now a picturesque farmhouse, situated on the road to Bourne, just outside the town.
The priory dairy exists as an old vaulted chamber in the Fulney Farm House, which is now the offices of the Land Settlement Association. This is buttressed on the outside, has very thick walls, and is vaulted in stone. It is now used as a store room.
The only other priory building remaining is the ruined chapel at Wykeham, about which we know quite a lot owwg to the industry of Canon E. Moore.The