I don’t know the exact date of this photo. Lutton House, to the right of the church, is still there. The houses in the foreground of the photo have been demolished. In the 1950s Mrs Taylor lived in the house in the left foreground. Just to the right of it you can see the remains of the old smithy. In the far right foreground is the Black Horse pub where the Butlers lived. Moving left from there is where Mr and Mrs Reeder lived, including the old bakery. The footpath which came directly from the church through to Barholme Avenue can be seen almost in the centre foreground of the photo.
Lutton Church
1955-1975, Lutton, Lincolnshire, England
Source: Share history and Maureen
4 Responses
Lovely to see these photos, I lived I lutton from birth 1947 till 1958 and went to lutton school, my name was Dorene Hall, and wandered where everyone is now that I went to school with
Thanks for contacting us. Is it possible you could write some of your memories down? I hope to meet up with David Seeker once Coronavirus is over and collect his memories.
Thanks for sharing the photos, they are of great interest to me, especially the one with the Black Horse pub. My mum and dad lived there when I was born in 1955. My first school was in Lutton, which is now the village hall. On school days if mum and dad were out when school finished I would walk to Mr and Mrs Reeders (we called her Granny Reeder ) with my sister Julia and wait for their return. The brewery also owned the Reeder’s house. I remember they used to give dad their rent who passed it on to the brewery along with his.
However hard I’ve tried I can’t find a photo of the front of the pub.
Let’s see if someone can help. Regards Geoff