Home » Articles » Spalding Bowling Club, dated early 1900’s
Spalding Bowling Club, dated early 1900’s
A photo of the Spalding Bowling Club dated as early 1900’s
This team played on the green at the Black Swan Field.
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4 Responses
Good Morning
I’m the secretary of Spalding Town Bowling Club. We were founded in 1925, and I don’t think the one on this page is ours.
I do have a photo of the club members in 1926 plus a few others which I could send electronically if they are of interest. You can see some of them on our web site https://sites.google.com/view/spaldingtbowlingclub/home
Also, I was contacted by Michael Honeybone of The Gentlemen’s society enquiring about a bowling club in Spalding around 1790, so the history of bowling here goes back further than us.
4 Responses
Good Morning
I’m the secretary of Spalding Town Bowling Club. We were founded in 1925, and I don’t think the one on this page is ours.
I do have a photo of the club members in 1926 plus a few others which I could send electronically if they are of interest. You can see some of them on our web site
Also, I was contacted by Michael Honeybone of The Gentlemen’s society enquiring about a bowling club in Spalding around 1790, so the history of bowling here goes back further than us.
Thanks for your feedback and yes please to your content. I will then update website and link to your website. Thank you Geoff
Apologies – I’ve only just looked at this page again! I was expecting an e-mail reply.
If you tell me how to contact you, I’ll send a few photographs.
Our web site address is https://sites.google.com/view/spaldingtbowlingclub/home . If there’s anything on there that you’d particularly like, let me know & I’ll include it.
Thanks I will add link regards Geoff