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School Farm, Tongue End

School Farm, Tongue End in the 1940’s.  The Welby Everard family were the land owners and farmed by Chatterton & Cook.

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AOS P 1139 School Farm Tongue End in the 1940s The Welby Everard family were the land owners and farmed by Chatterton & Cook.

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5 Responses

  1. What an interesting farm house and yard
    When was it built?
    Was it used to stable the barge horse’s that towed the barges down the Bourne Eau?
    If anyone has any history about school farm Tongue End please could they email me
    I live in the original Tongue End village where the River Glen meets the Eau
    I have been for a number of years been trying to put together a picture of all the house’s and lives of the people that lived here
    I’m particularly looking for any photos or old plan’s of the village

    1. Hi Josephine,
      I have some old maps which might help. I have interest in a project to understand how the waterways were used to distribute goods. So interested to chat.

  2. Hello Josie
    My wife Eileen is descendant of the Turner family who lived in Tongue End 1890s to beyond WW1, in the row of cottages by The Boat.
    We are constantly researching family histories and local area, including visits to the hamlet and heritage centres in Spalding and Bourne, sorry have only just found these posts.
    I have copy of the 1906 OS map showing where farms were etc, and have looked at other records.
    Happy to be in touch if still interested.

    1. Thanks very much for memories. Please share more. Regards Geoff
      Ps: I have contact in Tongue End I will find it and forward it on

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