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Pinchbeck Past and Present

The Red Lion Inn, Northgate, shows the publican’s wife Mrs Parker outside the entrance in early 1900’s and the Grange in the background. It looks as though it’s for sale if you are interested.


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10 Responses

    1. I think the landlady in the photo is Mrs. Sarah Ann Parker – wife of Bailey Parker and my Great Grandmother. Their daughter Alice was my Grandmother and was born approx 1895 and I know she lived there. I remember Lottie Parker and her husband Chad living there in the late 50’s early 60’s after The Red Lion had been de-licenced because by that time my grandparents lived in the house next door. Can’t be sure but thought Chad was one of my grandmother’s brothers.

  1. I have two photos of the Red Lion in the early 1900s. My grandpa’s uncle, Walter Wilson, was married to Alice’s sister, Clara. Walter ran the inn in the early 1950s and my mum and her parents went to live there to help him as his wife had died some years earlier. Mum remembered an Aunt Allie who lived nearby so she must have been Alice. I think Chad must be Clara and Alice’s brother, Charles who possibly married Charlotte Meadows hence Lottie.

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