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J Wilkinson Stand

Please find attached the image of the J Wilkinson stand at the show (not sure which show?) It was stamped 7pm October 25th 1916 (I think I am reading that right) which obviously makes it during the Great War.
The message reads something along the lines of “Dear R, I am sending apples off today by rail. Hope they will arrive safely. Nan came home last week, she brought Phyllis home with her. Maudie is getting on nicely & baby, her name is Florence Emie. Elsie is very poorly and not able to go to school.
Excuse the dirty card, it is one Fred gave me. It is a birds eye view of their stand at the show. Love Midge” It was addressed to a Miss Parrish, Pine Ridge, Holton Halesworth and postmarked Spalding.

Can anyone add any information on this?

wilkinsonspalding 002

Thanks to John Wakefield

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One Response

  1. John Wilkinson Co. was a Chicago Trade House specializing in sporting goods (athletic uniforms, baseball equipment, fishing tackle (distributor for Abby and Imbrie of NY) camping, bicycles, boating, yachting, etc.) during the late 1800-early 1900s. Spalding (another name on the sign shown in the photo) was a manufacturer of baseball equipment. Not sure what they were involved with in England.

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