The WW2 list of Old Moultonians by the Harrox Window.
FL Leonard Porter was the son of the village butcher and former head boy of Moulton Grammar school. He was a brilliant scholar and went to on to Trinity College to study for a BA. In 1941 he volunteered for the RAF 264 sq based in Cornwall. He flew mosquitos primarily to harass German planes headed for the coast of England. Aged 22, he was with his flying officer over the English channel when the plane was hit. He brought the plane down which floated on top of the sea. He rescued FO Huntley from the sea and secured him to the wing of the plane but was himself washed away. FO Huntley was captured and remained a POW for the rest of the war. Leonard Porters’ name is recorded in the churchyard on the grave of his grandparents as his body was never found.