According to Ted Beasley (who can often be seen patrolling the village at low speed in his Vauxhall Astra!) there was an observer post and the village fish and chip shop was also hit by enemy aircraft fire during the war. His Grandfather, Bob Rose, who kept the Dun Horse is in the picture.
Back Row (l-r) – Norman Congreve, Jack Footit, Roland Bradford, Stan Sly, Harold Bradford, Jim Ashton, unknown.
Middle – Officer from outside the area, RC Craig, Cliff Frisby, George Barber, Frank Gent, Walter Pridgeon, Bob Rose, Frank Sewell, unknown (drove tractor for AH Clark)
Front – Harry Taylor, Owen Ostler, A. H. Clark, William Sanders, & Alf Hinley.
If anyone knows any of the missing names or has any other village wartime stories then that would be most interesting.
Thanks to John Wakefield