Introduce new members – Valery Gemmel and Graham Morfoot from the Pinchbeck Pumping
Working Together project is coming to an end and the final report can be written. – themes to take forward marketing, education and developing stronger Directors
Arts project update – planning issues have now been resolved and completion is hoped to be before Xmas.
Future projects – A number of ideas discussed a) Flowers, b) wall paintings c) relocation of innovation area and education Officer
Finances – Accounts discussed and the appointment of new accountant agreed
Blacksmithing – update on work and volunteers, purchase of new welder and sale of the old
Local History – Collection is growing note able inclusion is the W&DIDB archive and a special section has been developed for nostalgia articles that appear in local paper
Volunteering – welcome to new volunteers, The money given to us by Stanford Cascade is going to be used to develop an education programme – looking for an ex teacher who could become our education specialist.
Innovations – number of interesting commissions received and the search for new venue was discussed
Marketing – work with Plan B Marketing, market stall planned as seen in the diary – agreed to continue brown signs
Events – see diary
Accreditation – Val has started to audit collection