A few photos from Robert BESTER’s collection marking the occasion 9 years ago when we formally opened Chain Bridge Forge as a museum. These photos show Geoff Dodd who used to own the Forge and is resp…
This lovely photograph shows Geoff Dodd at work building one of the first Flower Parade float's built outside Chain Bridge Forge. The photograph probably dates from around 1960.
These photographs were taken at Chain Bridge Forge in Spalding.George Robert Dodd initially purchased the Forge, his son Banks (Jim) Dodd and the third generation Geoff Dodd.
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With Geoff Dodd funeral last Friday we thought it was time to pen a tribute to him. The text is the address given by Geoff Taylor at the funeral.
Forge Newsletter Special Edition
Chain Bridge Forge is sorry to announce the death of Geoff Dodd.
Geoff was much loved and has many connections with community but perhaps remembered most for his work at Chain Bridge Forge and buil…