In November 1830 two young boatman James Tomlinson and James Munton were passing the Angel public-house in Double Street, Spalding when they made some observation to a man named Richard Cross. Richard used abusive language towards the two lads and attempted to beat the youths. In the scuffle Cross pulled a clasp knife from his pocket with a 5 inch blade and stabbed James Tomlinson in the left side, he then stabbed Munton in the arm. Munton called for help and the two youths went into a nearby house belonging to Mr Wade, in the light they saw Tomlinson’s wound, part of his bowel was protruding. Tomlinson died a few days later and Cross was taken to Lincoln prison to await trial.
In March 1831 Cross was found guilt and sentenced to transportation for life for manslaughter.
In May 1831 it appeared in the newspaper, Richard Cross thanked the 175 who signed the petition to his Majesty for remission of his sentence, which was acceded to.
This is the first time I’ve seen a sentence of transportation changed, Cross was a clerk to an attorney, I wonder if he was simply a commoner, would he of escaped transportation?
Pictured the Angel public-house now and then, it’s now 35 Double Street, Spalding
The 3 newspaper articles.