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Crowland Manor House

A nice image of Crowland Manor House from 1951.
The old Manor House, situated at 5 East Street, is a Grade II listed building that dates back to 1690.

More detailed information can be found on this link.-https://heritage-explorer.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Monument/MLI94607

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6 Responses

  1. As a long very time resident of Crowland, I despair that this beautiful grade II* building is just being allowed to rot away. Soon another winter will be upon us and we’ll be one step nearer demolition and redevelopment of the site. The roof is in a very poor state of repair. The floors already resemble ski slopes.
    The only worse case I’ve come across was Apethorpe House in NE Northants, but that’s another story.

    1. It’s been acquired by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable restorer, so watch that space.

    2. Please don’t despair! It may look like nothing is happening at the Manor House, but as the new owners (as of early October 2024), we are undertaking preliminary surveys (asbestos, bats etc) before we can start, first, to protect and stabilise the house, then address the main issue, which is the state of the roof – obviously all in conjunction with the local conservation officer, relevant listed building consents, etc. We have an amazing team of heritage professionals working with us, and we’ve restored an important Grade II* house before, so we feel confident that the Manor House is going to be in excellent shape in a few years’ time. The result will be a gentle restoration, in the sense that we’re not going to modernise the house or spoil what’s special about it – but there’s a lot of work to be done, too. Crowland is an extraordinary place and I hope that in time the Manor House will be a source of local pride and enjoyment, rather than (entirely understandable) concern.

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