This post contains a single page from the day book of Edward Fisher. Edward Fisher was the Blacksmith at Chain Bridge Forge between 1850’s to 1898. The page details the work being carried out to the London Packet a Schooner which was visiting Spalding in 1862. The Forge has the day books which cover the period 1850 to 1860’s. These books describe the work being done by the Blacksmith and details many of the boats which used the Port of Spalding, his local customer and amount he charged. The line across the page indicates the bill was paid.
Correction and note from Keith Seaton – It was the London Packet owned by my Gt Gt Grandfather Matthew Southwell Vine in the year 1862.
The books are written in a beautiful script and are available for inspection in the Forge by special request.
For more information about the Port of Spalding read Keith Seaton book “The River Welland, Shipping & Mariners of Spalding”